General Focus / Mindset:

Week 1 ProgressionHCsHCMCFarmProg

Interested In:

Savage RaidingExtremesPvPBLU

Main Job(s):


Active player for over two years, primarily an achievement hunter (#2 on ultros) with a focus on getting things done. I'm punctual, learn reasonably quickly and open to criticism with an interest in finding groups/people to pursue further my dream of 100%ing FF14. I understand my rotation, I do research fights and join PF's on the side to get extra practice when I can, and when I say i'm committed to something I mean it. I'm of the mentality to be freindly and fun with your static, but when the /cd starts you get serious until the clear or wipe. I believe firmly in the importance of the "what went wrong" but try not to be finger pointing, we've all wiped a raid.


At the time of this writing I have succesfully cleared current tier extremes, unreals, and 1 criterion (A.S.S.) and am preparing to prog into Savage criterion as my next step up. I tank primarily, both in normal content and Blu, but have put in the time to learn summoner as a back up option. I've succesfully cleared as a blu tank all ARR extremse, and most HW and SB, with plans to work on SHB extremes soon. 3/6 marborol fights as well. So while I do not have current savage experience as Warrior or Blu Tank, I have done everything I could get my hands on up to that point and hope to branch into savage as my next big step. Finally as for PVP I'm trained in meta comps as a secondary dark knight, astrologian, or sumoner, and solo I play samurai. Happy to fill any of those roles to help further peopels frontline or rival wing goals.