General Focus / Mindset:

MCCasualBlind ProgFarmProgBeginner-Friendly

Interested In:

UltimatesSavage RaidingExtremesField OperationsDungeonsPvPOld ContentTreasure MapsSocialCasual/OtherLGBTQ+

Main Job(s):


Hello! I'm Kouta, nice to meet you. I'm looking to join a static to clear difficult content (Savages, Ultimates, and possibly to join together into Chaotic). Hoping to join a group that is patient with positive attitudes/good vibes as we learn together and progress as the expectation is to die alot in the beginning before gradually moving into the next phases. I enjoy learning new things and want to have a great time with everyone even outside of difficult content.

I started FFXIV 2 years ago but stopped because of subscription and it didn't fully grab me back in ARR. I decided to make it a goal for 2024 and started again in Jan 2024 and completed to current patch in DT as of December 2024.

Currently main Dancer with best gear (currently working on getting better gear) and also Dragoon, Reaper. I can do Pictomancer as well but definitely need to look into the rotation more.


FFXIV is my first mmorpg (or Genshin if that counts? But different play style.) I've cleared Extremes from ARR through SHB and currently working through clearing EW & DT EX trials. EW clears- Zodiark, Hydaelyn, Endsinger, and Rubicante

Still need: Storm's Crown, Voidcast Dias, and Abyssal Fracture

I've successfully cleared DT EX1 & EX 2 trials a couple times and am mostly confident in EX1 thanks to Progging. EX not so confident and want more practice to understand certain mechanics.

Cleared M1-M4 Normal and would like to start Savage too.

Cleared all Alliance Raids Normal and have cleared through SHB Savage. Still need to complete Pandemonium P5-12 normal & Savage, but have cleared P4S.

Chaotic Alliance I haven't had a chance to have much exposure but have been in a couple PF's that didn't get too far.

No experience with Ultimates as I have not found a static to do them with and haven't found a PF that wanted blind/fresh prog.

Happy to help with previous content too!