General Focus / Mindset:


Interested In:


Main Job(s):


Free most weekdays after 6PM EST and free on weekends (Outside of 9:30PM~11:30PM, tentative as my 1st static is currently on break)

Looking for chill groups, particularly for FRU I've primarily raided in laid back, relatively stress free settings and I'd appreciate more of that going forward. For the right group I'll definitely consider other jobs, but SGE and VPR are definitely my comfiest jobs at the moment

I actually cleared UWU and TEA before my first raid tier. lmao? My logs are not amazing, however, I'm always looking to improve! Game's pretty fun.

Link to FF Logs FF Logs

Currently BiS on VPR (7.11)

=DAWNTRAIL= Light-heavyweight: Cleared as VPR.

=ENDWALKER= Asphodelos: Seen up to P3S Enrage (RDM) Abyssos: Not attempted. Anabaseios: Cleared. (P9S->11S as SGE, P12S as DNC & MCH)

=ULTIMATES= Cleared UWU as SGE, seen up to Titan as RDM Cleared TEA & UCOB as SGE