General Focus / Mindset:

OptimizationsHCMCFarmProgStream Team

Interested In:

UltimatesSavage RaidingExtremesField OperationsPvPBLUDeep DungeonOld ContentTreasure MapsSocialCasual/OtherLGBTQ+Mature

Main Job(s):


I am a savage raider since Edens Promise, & have cleared every savage tier in Party Finder since than. You bring the Mit, Ill give the Crit. I am a Savage Party Finder raider looking to raid in more optimal settings. been in a couple of statics and looking for a group that actually studies and knows how to have fun. Friendly, Savage raider looking to clear Ultimates with a group, and fatigued from progging Ultimates in party finder. (SAVE ME). I am picky about who I raid with due to past not so great experiences, but if I can clear a savage tier within 2 to 3 weeks release in PF, im sure I can find a group to experience that with someday. I also have a strong interest in doing old content as well, but i'll probably be rushing into Ultimates shortly after the raid tier since it's been hindering my recruitment experience, just haven't found a group yet. If you want yo know more Message me ^_^

Twitch: Discord: SlyguyAce

Link to FF Logs FF Logs

Savage Experience SHB: E9S-E12S EW: P1S-P12S DT: M1S-M4S

Ultimate Experience: TEA: Phase 3 DSR: Phase 4 UWU: Ultima (Predation) FRU: Phase 2

if you want to know more ask me ^_^ @ Discord slyguyace


Recruit Sly Ace from one of the available listings:

Sly Ace
Sly Ace Famfrit (NA)

Link to FF Logs  

Week 1 ProgressionOptimizationsHCMCFarmProgStream Team
UltimatesSavage RaidingLGBTQ+Mature
TLDR; "week 2-3 clear" "Savage" "Long-Term" "Phys-Range" "Bard" "BRD"