General Focus / Mindset:
Week 1 ProgressionHCsHCFarmProg
Interested In:
UltimatesSavage RaidingExtremesMature
Main Job(s):
Melee(VPR pref) LF sHC static for Dawntrail. I'm hoping to do some hardcore week 1 progression and then raid 2-4 days a week preferably. My goal is to have the tier beaten and farmed before Eden Ultimate comes out. I am a college student though so we will have to start after 7pm PST any days Sunday - Thursday starting September 28th. I would like to prog DSR/TOP/UCOB/TEA in downtime.
Currently up to Jwaves in TEA with my current static but there is no way we can clear before Dawntrail comes out.
I would love to do TEA for a trial as I am pretty confident as Melee 1 up to Jwaves. We could probably clear during the trial.
I am willing to DC travel wherever.

I started raiding in Asphodelos as it was the first time I was caught up during an expansion launch. I have cleared a Savage Tier on every role. I joined a temporary second static to clear UWU after I finished farming P12S.