General Focus / Mindset:
Week 1 ProgressionsHCMC
Interested In:
UltimatesSavage Raiding
Main Job(s):
Looking for a group to attempt to clear FRU with on patch, currently in P2 DD. Willing to flex to other tanks but would need a weapon coffer.
FF LogsStarted playing in shadowbringers, and did a few EX trials before 6.0.
Cleared asphodelos in a static, then cleared Uwu on main and an alt in pf, and proved into phase 2 of Ucob, TEA and DSR in PF before 6.2.
Cleared p5s-p7s week 1 in pf (semi blind prog) and then took time to get my static caught up and got a p8s clear in pf. Also reached Monitors in TOP before static died.
Cleared anabaseios 9-11 first couple weeks, took a break before coming back and clearing 12 (all pf)
Took M1-4s off before coming back to get bis and try FRU (please dont judge me on those logs lol)