General Focus / Mindset:
sHCMCBlind Prog
Interested In:
UltimatesSavage RaidingBLUOld ContentLGBTQ+
Main Job(s):
She/her Having cleared the past 3 tiers, my aims are to clean out the ultimates I havent done yet and be able to clear savage sooner after release. I can play a variety of roles, primarily having played sage, gunbreaker and red mage. Primarily would want to be in MC->sHC groups that raid regularly but not super long hours with a clear aim to clear and improve, but understanding of mistakes and able to be flexible in some ways if necessary. From UK so hours would likely have to be earlier than NA normally does.
Raids cleared (when newest): Eden's promise (but last fight only after echo was added) Asphodelos (first fight day 1, first 2 fights week 1, overall tier was much slower, cleared before 6.1) UWU (cleared in 6.1) Abyssos (first 2 fights week 1, 7s cleared week 2, static collapse and time spent looking for new group same issue as asphodelos meant tier cleared a few weeks before 6.3) Anabaseios entered fairly late but all cleared with no echo. (have also seen through the first phase of every non cleared ultimate but thats a fairly minor achievement)