General Focus / Mindset:

Speed RunningOptimizationHCsHCProg

Interested In:

UltimatesSavage RaidingSocialLGBTQ+

Main Job(s):


DRG main who's currently pursuing a second degree and working as a server. I have been playing the game since shortly after SHB's release, and my first Savage clear on-tier was back in Eden's Verse, though before Eden's Verse dropped, I did do some of E1-E2. I have basically been raiding since, though during Anabaesios, I got burned out on the game and stopped playing for several months, and have returned to hardcore content and raiding in Arcadion. Generally consider myself a decently skilled player with a preference for hardcore play - I am an extremely fast learner and proud of how I perform, so I prefer quick progression and enjoy optimization and logging fights to make myself better.

Link to FF Logs FF Logs


first on-tier clear was Eden's Verse - DRG

Eden's Promise: played in a midcore static and progged in PF on off time. DRG


Asphodelos: DRG. Hardcore static focused on week 1 progression and optimization. Cleared P1-3 and stuck at p4 phase 1 enrage week 1, cleared P4 week 2. This tier's logs are probably the absolute best reflection of my parse and skill capabilites while in a dedicated static.

DSR: progressed through half of DSR with the above static on release with Asphodelos BIS before real life circumstances led to a disbanding.

Abyssos: released in the middle of a semester, so I primarily PF'd it, played much of this tier on RPR. Cleared P5-7 as well as P8 phase 1 before finals stress prevented me from dedicating adequate time to clearing the whole tier.

Anabaesios: eff this tier. Also released while in a semester, was already experiencing fatigue in the game, encountered pf troubles in p10s and dropped the game until DT Release.


Arcadion 1-4: did not join a static as I was rusty and wanted to derust after nearly a year hiatus. Started the tier on PF as RPR, cleared 1-3 before joining a static as DRG. Cleared 1-4 as DRG, working on parsing the tier to get good logs up.


Recruit Thousand Yard'stare from one of the available listings:

Speed RunningOptimizationHCsHCMCProg
UltimatesSavage RaidingLGBTQ+
TLDR; DRG[sHC/HC][FRU][P2] flexible schedule