General Focus / Mindset:


Interested In:

UltimatesSavage RaidingExtremesOld Content

Main Job(s):


Player whos really into the harder content that ffxiv offers. I do extremes and Savages pretty easy, but I have yet to do a ultimate and I hope I get the chance to. I started raiding in Endwalker, was able to convince some friends to join me and we got to P10 before they gave up. I wanted to keep going but never got a good group to finish it. Doing the new raids now. Current static is failing to clear M1, so I went and cleared it with just PF. After slogging through PF on the first one, I dont want to have to do that again for M2, so im hoping I can join A static whos more capable and can get a full group to show up.


Have cleared up to P10 in Endwalker. Have done M1