General Focus / Mindset:

Week 1 ProgressionHCsHCMCBlind ProgProgStream Team

Interested In:

UltimatesSavage RaidingLGBTQ+

Main Job(s):


I'm a fairly chill and relaxed raider with experience in a wide variety of groups, from casual to hardcore statics, in a variety of content! I pride myself on consistency and personal improvement and enjoy prog environments (especially blind)! That being said, I don't have any interest in micro-optimizations, speed kills, and parsing as an activity in of itself (farming for top parses and not used as a tool for improvement through prog and reclears).

Link to FF Logs FF Logs

Raided in a midcore static for E9-12S and P1-4S, and attempted a week 1 P5-8S group but was unable to clear P8S due to roster issues on day 5.

  • Anabaseios: day 1 P9S, day 3 P10S, day 4 P11S, week 4 P12S (AST)
  • Abyssos: day 1 P5S-P6S (rank 1 speed), day 3 P7S, week 1 P8S phase 1 (SGE)
  • Blind prog Criterion (DRK)
  • Midcore Asphodelos (P1-4S) (AST)
  • The Weapon's Refrain (Ultimate) (DNC)
  • Midcore Eden's Promise (E9-12S) (AST)