General Focus / Mindset:

Week 1 ProgressionMCCasual

Interested In:

UltimatesSavage RaidingLGBTQ+

Main Job(s):


Hello and thank you for checking out my profile. I'm just a glam obsessed bun that likes doing harder content.

Link to FF Logs FF Logs

I have been raiding since mid-Shadowbringers, and have cleared E12, P4, and P8 on content. I am currently on Intermission Cleanup/Twilight Sabbath prog in M4S. I would like to clear this tier before the next one comes out and then into the past with some of the older Ultimates.

I am open to tanking or playing phys ranged, as I have raided in both those roles previously. I have not done much tanking this tier, as I was a dancer in my old static, and would like to maintain that.

I am open to Data Center Travelling in order to join and maintain progging and practicing.