General Focus / Mindset:


Interested In:

UltimatesSavage RaidingExtremesDungeonsSocialCasual/Other

Main Job(s):


Hi hii, I'm a phys range player that sometimes plays a lil bit of picto. Big JRPG and roguelike enjoyer.

Play Xenoblade Chronicles 3

Link to FF Logs FF Logs

Currently a Sextuple Legend. Started raiding towards the end of Edens gate. Can play any physical ranged dps at an equal and high level.

  • Cleared Edens Verse in PF week 18
  • I joined my first static and Cleared both UCOB and UWU in 5.3
  • Cleared Edens Promise week 6 and finished rank 59 on MCH and rank 109 on DNC
  • Cleared Asphodelos week 3 and finished rank 40 on BRD
  • Cleared DSR week 15 as DNC
  • Took a break on the release of Abyssos but came back for TOP and cleared on SMN week 12.
  • Cleared Anabaseios in pf week 4
  • Cleared Light-Heavyweight Week 1 (on Monday) in pf
  • Cleared FRU Week 6 in PF


Recruit Isaac Vi' from one of the available listings:

Isaac Vi
Isaac Vi' Sargatanas (NA)

Link to FF Logs  

UltimatesSavage RaidingExtremesDungeonsOld Content
TLDR; [Omni-Phys][LFG][7.2][Savage] Omni phys LF 7.2 Savage group. Avail M, T, Thur, F, S nights