General Focus / Mindset:

Speed RunningOptimizationMCCasualBlind ProgFarmProgBeginner-Friendly

Interested In:

UltimatesSavage RaidingExtremesField OperationsDungeonsDeep DungeonOld ContentTreasure MapsSocialCasual/OtherLGBTQ+Mature

Main Job(s):


Have been playing since release of game. Have general experience and knowledge of all classes however looking to fill a position in a static for raids, extremes, savages or whatever content. Willing to fill the needs of the group and master a role or job the group is in need of.


Will be new to more difficult content however been raiding and playing most since asherons call. Can adapt and learn, will research fights as needed to progress.


Recruit Nolv Eldruith from one of the available listings:

OptimizationsHCMCCasualBlind ProgFarmProgBeginner-Friendly
UltimatesSavage RaidingExtremesField OperationsDungeonsDeep DungeonOld ContentTreasure MapsSocialCasual/OtherLGBTQ+Mature