General Focus / Mindset:


Interested In:

UltimatesSavage RaidingExtremesBLU

Main Job(s):


I am an avid FFXIV enthusiast and previous FFXI addict. I've played the game since its ARR release. I love leveling and have leveled every class in the game to the previous level cap of 80 across two separate characters. You'll typically find me online running content with my wife and we come as a pair with any raid group we participate in.

Raiding is a fun additional challenge I enjoy to really push my comfort with the game and my understanding of my favorite jobs. I'm also a huge BLU nerd and hope to someday join a BLU raid group to complete those achievements.

Link to FF Logs FF Logs

My wife and I have raided together on and off since Second Coil of Bahamut. I've led a couple raid groups during my time with FFXIV and participated in a few others. We had short stints with groups in Second Coil of Bahamut as well as Alexander: Midas, however our first tier completion came with Eden's Gate. This marked my first time leading a raid group.

After the dissolution of that group, we joined up with another where we were able to clear through the following two tiers, Edens' Verse and Eden's Promise before taking a break from the game. We returned to raiding with a new group the next tier and completed Pandæmonium: Asphodelus.

Most recently, we have cleared through M3S in the current raid tier and looking to put together a new group to finish progging M4S and beyond. I have minimal experience with Ultimate raiding with some time spent progging UCoB. I look forward to challenging more of the Ultimate raids with a consistent group.