General Focus / Mindset:

Week 1 ProgressionOptimizationHCsHCMCBlind ProgProg

Interested In:

UltimatesSavage RaidingField OperationsDeep DungeonOld Content

Main Job(s):


Decently experienced raider, I want to jump into harder content, and I especially love figuring things out during blind prog. I can mesh will with almost any group, and can step up to any challenge placed in front of me. My schedule is a bit inconsistent, but I can block out time for a good static. I am mainly interested in ultimates, but I also very much enjoy things like deep dungeons and field operations.

Link to FF Logs FF Logs

I got my start with week one prog for DRS, cleared one day off from week two (so week three clear). I then did E9S, and later P1/2S on content. Unfortunately got very busy, but at the end of EW I started my own static to take less skilled players through P4S, P8S and Suppression in UWU in the last few months before DT. Since DT, I got a day 2 clear of M1S, and the static has been progging through the current savages.