General Focus / Mindset:
Week 1 ProgressionOptimizationHCsHCMCBlind ProgProg
Interested In:
UltimatesSavage RaidingField OperationsDeep DungeonOld Content
Main Job(s):
Decently experienced raider, I want to jump into harder content, and I especially love figuring things out during blind prog. I can mesh will with almost any group, and can step up to any challenge placed in front of me. My schedule is a bit inconsistent, but I can block out time for a good static. I am mainly interested in ultimates, but I also very much enjoy things like deep dungeons and field operations.
FF LogsI got my start with week one prog for DRS, cleared one day off from week two (so week three clear). I then did E9S, and later P1/2S on content. Unfortunately got very busy, but at the end of EW I started my own static to take less skilled players through P4S, P8S and Suppression in UWU in the last few months before DT. Since DT, I got a day 2 clear of M1S, and the static has been progging through the current savages.