General Focus / Mindset:
Interested In:
UltimatesSavage RaidingExtremes
Main Job(s):
I'm a player looking for a raiding group so I can flesh out my mount/gear collection. I'm quiet but I'm also a fun-loving guy. I've been playing FF14 since 2018 or so and have been very active ever since. Currently trying to gear up appropriately, I spent a lot of time getting all classes to 100 so my ilvl is only 714 (as of 11/27/2024). I usually hop on after work around 18:00 GMT and stay available until I get sleepy. I don't know what I'm looking for in a group but if something works then I'll be willing to stick around.

I'm looking for a static to build up my experience with FF!4 content. I've always wanted to clear the higher tier content in the game but my friends who play prefer a more relaxed gameplay so talking them into doing current content is like pulling teeth and when I do convince them they don't really try so we don't get anywhere, so I'm here looking for a group I can learn and enjoy new content with. Up until Endwalker, I would undersize extremes/savages in PF. I cleared most of the Endwalker trials in PF when they were current up to progging Rubicante. I usually got up to the Hellspire claw mech and then the party wipes. I burned myself out using PF and haven't done anything since. I don't know too much about parsing, so if you have any questions or request to "prove myself" I'd happily oblige to be able to join your group.