General Focus / Mindset:
Week 1 ProgressionOptimizationsHCMCCasualBlind ProgFarmProg
Interested In:
UltimatesSavage RaidingExtremesDungeonsOld Content
Main Job(s):
Hello! I'm looking for a group of like-minded individuals to raid late night with starting 7.0 and beyond. I'd prefer a group that will stick around and continue playing together long term.
I'm an experienced player who's been around on and off since 2.0 and have always participated in savage content. Looking for a group to spend 2 days a week with, but make the most of our time. This does not mean I want a "casual" group, but a group with adults who may have limited playing time but have a hard core mindset.
I'm up to play anything, if the group needs something specific please let me know!
FF LogsRaided on and off since 2.0 feel free to check out my logs.