General Focus / Mindset:


Interested In:

UltimatesSavage RaidingExtremes

Main Job(s):


Hello SGE main here! I'm looking for a group to raid late night EST, starting 7.0 and beyond. I'd prefer a group that will stick around and continue playing together long term and open to new and learning players in the Savage scene.

I have been playing since Stormblood, but never tried Savage content. Looking for a group to play 2 days a week. I've cleared every extreme up to Endwalker and Worqor with my casual group and would like to join a more committed and focused group for the 7.0 raids.

Feel free to hmu!


I have been playing since Stormblood, but never tried Savage content. Cleared every extreme up to Endwalker content and recently Wor Qor.