General Focus / Mindset:

HCsHCMCCasualBlind ProgFarmProgBeginner-Friendly

Interested In:

Savage RaidingExtremesDungeonsBLUOld ContentSocialCasual/OtherLGBTQ+Mature

Main Job(s):


Hello, my name is Violet (they/them). I main DRK. I enjoy raiding, mount farming, and medium-intensity endgame progression. I am used to engaging with endgame content more casually in the context of real-life friends, so I am used to a laid-back atmosphere with mature people, though I am willing to commit to the hours statics raid. Every session we would always improve at least marginally, if not significantly, and I take those as wins! After all, games are fun! Though I don't worry much about high parsing, I am willing to improve my rotation and look at logs.

Link to FF Logs FF Logs

I started playing In Stormblood, and have played consistently since Shadowbringers. I participated in casual savage raiding during Endwalker, having cleared the first three floors of each tier. Our group was online and in-person friends with flexible schedules so we never ended up clearing the tougher fights. We cleared the first 5/7 extreme trials before our group fell off/moved on/got busy with life. We've also done mount farming for old expansions and other casual content like BLU leveling.