General Focus / Mindset:


Interested In:

Savage RaidingExtremes

Main Job(s):


Just looking to get into Savage Raids with a static for DT. Tried a bit of PFing in Endwalker and wasn't thrilled with the experience. Haven't done much on-content Savage raiding in XIV, but have considerable experience with a similar difficulty level in SWTOR. Listed jobs are the ones currently at 100, but I can get just about every other job up to 100 in short order other than MNK, SAM, BRD, and NIN (can you tell I'm not a huge fan of melee?) since they're all at least 90 currently aside from PCT and VPR.


PUGged and cleared P5S, started P6S and then ran into a few horrible PUGs and, combined with some new IRL things, lost motivation to keep going. Also cleared the first to EW extremes on content, but haven't done much else before or since. I was in a group in Stormblood that did some Alphascape for a couple weeks and then fell apart.


Recruit Sorrana Jeddi from one of the available listings:

Savage RaidingExtremes