General Focus / Mindset:
Interested In:
Savage RaidingExtremesDungeonsDeep DungeonTreasure MapsSocialMature
Main Job(s):
I like long fel cleaves on the beach and having my gap closer do dmg. Flexible, fun loving and easy to work with, everyone says they pick up mechanics quick but showing that is better than just saying you can do it. Progression gives me the happies and i do believe you can have fun while doing so but sometimes it's lock in time and you have to fel cleave harder. I primarily am looking for a place where me and my bessi ina tessi can raid together.
I started in Stormblood and went straight into alphascape v1 then right after that went to alphascape v4 and cleared that before the release of shadowbringers. Then in shadowbringers i did all of the first set and after the second set came out i cleared ramuh and went oh hiatus. Came back in end walker and did the first two fights of the tier then the static had RL things happen and as a result of me not wanting to pug i ended up quitting again until very late the expansion. Now come DT i have been without a static so after pugging through M1s and while working on m2 i quit again for about 7months until recently where i have returned and have cleared m2 and m3 also currently filling part time with a static untill 7.2 as the tank for UWU we have been to tank purge but not quite suppression.