General Focus / Mindset:
Week 1 ProgressionMCCasualBlind ProgStream Team
Interested In:
UltimatesSavage RaidingExtremesMature
Main Job(s):
Howdy, you can call me Pops. I have been playing FFXIV since 2.0 with breaks in between. At first I won't talk to much, but as i get more comfortable with everyone I can be more outgoing.
I am coming back to raiding after a long break and i am looking for a group to get through the current Savage raid tier with and hopefully future Savage raid tiers, i also have an interest in Ultimates.
I Main Dragoon and Reaper, however I am open to learning any class.
FF LogsI started raiding in shadow bringers with E5S, i did clear up to E7S, and made it most of the way through E8S. I have cleared several savages with all roles, so I do have experience with most classes.
I have cleared every extreme fight except Rubicante.
for savage I cleared E5S-E7S, E9S-E12S, P1S-P3S, P5S-P8S, P9S-P12S
My Ultimate experience so far is cleared UwU, and I have dipped my toes into UCoB.
I have been in 3 Different statics my first one and most long term was clearing E5S all the way to P7S and all the extremes, my second static was for Progging UwU, and my third static was for Clearing UwU.