General Focus / Mindset:

World RacingWeek 1 ProgressionSpeed RunningOptimizationHCBlind ProgFarmProg

Interested In:

UltimatesSavage RaidingExtremesBLUDeep DungeonOld ContentLGBTQ+Mature

Main Job(s):


About Me...

  • I have a positive, good natured, and friendly attitude; I'm quiet at first but warm up over time as I get to know people
  • My mindset is solution oriented: I take criticism well and offer kind and direct suggestions to solve problems I observe.
  • In a group I value solidarity: hate speech, misogyny, racism, homophobia, disrespectful attitudes etc. are unacceptable.
  • I'm passionate about prog, optimization, and speedrunning: my goals are flexible; I'm happy as long as I'm playing with a team of fun, motivated players who synergize well and are driven to succeed
  • I aim to be a team player: striving to optimize in every respect I can, including damage/mitigation/creating strategies for both consistency and optimization/accommodating other players for positioning/etc.
  • My practice outside of raid includes reviewing VODs, clearing/parsing in PF, discussing mechanics with other players, creating toolboxes/strats/diagrams/triggers/cactbot shenanigans/dps & mit spreadsheets/mit timelines/etc.
  • My crafters and gatherers are leveled and geared, so I can provide food/pots/gear/repair for myself and others
  • Alt character available for split clears with all my preferred jobs leveled and geared
  • NA based (Mountain Time)

Job Preferences

  • PLD/WAR/SGE (alt/meme/fun runs only)

Discord: sa.ble

Link to FF Logs FF Logs

As a casual player, I started playing FFXIV in late Heavensward as a MNK main, but didn't touch raids until Stormblood. I dabbled in Deltascape, then played in MC/PF groups Sigmascape through Eden's Verse, after which I played in various HC groups.

Progression achievements:

  • Eden's Gate - week 6 (PF)
  • Eden's Verse - week 3 (PF)
  • Eden's Promise - week 2
  • Asphodelos - week 1
  • Abyssos - week 2
  • Anabaseios - week 2 (saw enrage p12s week 1, PF for clear)
  • Arcadion Light-heavy weight - Day 3
  • UWU, UCOB, and TEA in off and on prog in PF/MC groups between June through November 2021
  • DSR - on patch
  • TOP - week 5
  • FRU - week 5 (started week 2 and took Christmas week off)

I have also done speedruns of the savage tiers. Despite not crit farming or heavily LB cheesing, we achieved good times on many of the fights we optimized, some top 50 in Eden's Verse, Promise, Asphodelos, and Abyssos. I took a break from speeds in Anabaseios until echo. In Anabaseios echo my group achieved the fastest static logs for 4/5 fights with use of LB cheese when necessary.

I have experience in other games doing paid carries and account recoveries, but have not done anything similar in FFXIV.


  • Damage optimization (spreadsheets, opener calculations, uptime, buff alignment, flexing jobs for synergy, etc.)
  • Making tools for the group (diagrams/toolboxes/strategies, timelines, mitigation/healing spreadsheets, triggers, cactbot stuff, etc. I can make automarkers but prefer not to)
  • Safe & consistent play in prog
  • Clear communication during pulls and frequent feedback between them
  • Always striving to improve: values both criticism and positive feedback and provides these to others as well
  • Flexible; will readily adjust strategies, priority, mindset, etc. as required for the group's success

FFLogs & Tomestone



