General Focus / Mindset:
Interested In:
UltimatesSavage RaidingMature
Main Job(s):
Hey I'm Die, I'm an omni tank main who also has some experience healing in both savage and ultimate. I currently actively raid in both FF and WoW, without a static in FF I've spent the last month or so pugging DSR. I'm a pretty chill person and just love raiding, I prefer statics with a friendlier atmosphere but I'm not opposed to a more coworker like relationship with my staticmates. please feel free to ask me any questions in DM's :D

my highest level of experience is in GW2 where I world raced (world 2nd, 3rd 5th and 6th for the first raid wing) in FF i have mostly played in MC statics finishing the tier between weeks 4 and 8 with a few exceptions where other factors lead to not finishing the tier at all I have completed 4 of the 5 current ultimates mostly through pugging in WoW i recently raided in DF currently 8/9 mythic and 2.7k io M+