General Focus / Mindset:

World RacingWeek 1 ProgressionSpeed RunningBlind ProgProgStream TeamBeginner-Friendly

Interested In:

UltimatesSavage RaidingExtremesField OperationsPvPBLUDeep DungeonOld ContentSocialMature

Main Job(s):


Local dummy funny-haha lizard daddy. I consider myself casual hardcore. In that I'm hardcore, but I'm not trying to force others to be as nerdy as me. While I started in HW, I have taken so many breaks while doing many activities in-game that I only caught up on MSQ in 6.3. The new player experience is kind to no one. The majority of temporary statics don't interest me, and will be building a group where people can be honest and genuinely friendly with each other. And I can only trust myself to not be biased. >=)

I have plenty of niche goals (Learn things blind, get min i-lvl clears, especially by lowering actual i-lvl. Do ultimates only after clearing the content they're based on.), but hopefully I can meet them all. And then I can go on to help others!

Extra: While my profile will only list 1 job for now, I plan on optimizing and practicing classes I used to play till I'm confident it won't be my playing of a class that causes a wipe.


A couple years ago-ish (Date unsure): Did all of ARR EX sync'd. Did coils 1-7 sync'd. Learned about MINE format and did coils 2-7 min i-lvl. Moggle Mog, Ultima, Titan, Garuda done in min i-lvl as well. I could also swear I did Shiva, but it's been a long time, and won't say for sure.

Late Jan/Early Feb 2023: Having caught up to MSQ and normal mode content, I threw out the idea of guides from this point on. Zodiark's Fall EX Tsukuyomi's Pain

Most of Feb and early Mar 2023: Mt Ordeals EX P1S Sophia (Kinda. Prior knowledge helped.) EX and Unreal Still progging P2S

PF progging for true, guideless, blind is hell. You spend more time filling slots and then teaching up to where you got to and then filling again after they leave after a few wipes, than actually reviewing mechanics and self-made strategies and progging.