General Focus / Mindset:


Interested In:

UltimatesSavage RaidingExtremesField OperationsDungeonsBLUDeep DungeonOld ContentTreasure Maps

Main Job(s):


My goal as a raider is to be consistent and reliable. I make an effort to perform at an above average level with whatever job I'm playing, but I don't obsess over parsing; I don't care about it at all really except to check to ensure I'm pulling my weight. Big numbers makes brain feel good, but I only really care about the clear/reclear.

I'll regularly review fights I've recorded to analyze mistakes, either from myself or others to help smooth things out. Generally when I do make a mistake or die, I've trained myself to carry on and pay attention to what's happening next rather than getting bewildered and making more mistakes like I've seen a lot of raiders do.

I'm easygoing and patient, but I appreciate a group that can come prepared for raid and have the endurance and focus to last the duration. As I try to play consistently as I can to avoid wasting others' time, I expect the same in return. That isn't to say I'm expecting 'all business' during raid, only that I like to keep the goal in focus. Ultimately looking to have a good time all around.

Link to FF Logs FF Logs
  • Various WoW raids 2006-2018
  • Most Extremes since Heavensward
  • The Weapon's Refrain (Ultimate)