General Focus / Mindset:

HCsHCMCCasualProgStream Team

Interested In:

UltimatesSavage RaidingExtremesCasual/Other

Main Job(s):


Hello I'm Lucillia, an experienced raider since SB ranging from casual groups to more sHC groups. I think of myself as a quick learner and able to adjust well in fights. I usually play as DNC, but I can play in a Caster (SMN/PCT) or Melee (NIN) role as well. I'm looking for groups that have a mindset of clearing in a moderate time period but we can also be chill and have fun playing the game.

Link to FF Logs FF Logs

Started raiding in SB, and cleared every tier of SB and ShB, and cleared the first two tiers of EW as I took a break from raiding during the last tier due to burn out. I played DNC/NIN for my previous raiding experience.

The fastest I've cleared tiers were about 2 weeks within the release of a tier.

I have little to no experience in ultimates but would like to experience them and clear as well.