General Focus / Mindset:
World RacingWeek 1 ProgressionSpeed RunningOptimizationHCsHCMCFarmProg
Interested In:
UltimatesSavage RaidingLGBTQ+Mature
Main Job(s):
LGBTQ+, Want to raid at a higher level (Hardcore+), Would prefer an all over 18 static
Warrior through and through, I don't mind playing Reaper in casual content, but Warrior is my main whether in a good patch or bad
Speed and consistency means a lot to me, Would love to clear within a month of a tier release
Inexperienced with Ultimates, Want to learn some (Especially TOP, However I know I would struggle considering I havent done any before), Yet to explore Criterion/Criterion Savage all the same. Wouldn't mind doing them
Played when Heavensward got released, took a very long extended break and came back at the tail end of Shadowbringers. Played up to date on Endwalker. Omnicrafter, Enjoy crafting at that, happy to help craft for the static so long as reimbursed for mats at the very least.

Tried raiding in Asphodelos with a very casual FC Static, Made it to P3S then fell apart. I was brand new to raiding (Didn't even know what Shirk was)
Abyssos was my first full tier. Joined a casual static, and got poached into a MidCore after we got our first clear (Took longer than I had hoped for, but wanted to stick it out before leaving)
Abyssos Reclears I did with a Midcore that I stuck with into Pandaemonium, We did a little casual parsing in Abyssos at the end of tier, but didn't focus on learning any major strats
Into Panda
I had goals of a one month tier clear with the static from Abyssos. Crafted all of our support sets, along with 99 tinctures for each person day 1. We had gone in with the mindset of 1 month tier clear, and I was motivated for it. Day 1 I had studied every world first prog group to try to get a day 1 P9 clear. Unfortunately our static struggled with Levinstrike, But I made sure to clear week one at the very least.
P10 was a choke point for my static, Took way longer than I'd hoped to clear. I felt confident in myself, studied mechanics that I didn't understand. I lost the motivation to PF clear and drifted away from the game for a bit, only returning to raid.
After clearing P10, I got remotivated for P11. Cleared it in a week in PF with the Statics healer. After 2 weeks of no progress on Dark and Light, I left my old static, Reforming half of it with a few more people. This was still more casual prog, with a lot less negativity/toxicity
The rest of the tier was a lot more chill. I cleared P12 early in PF and then later on with my static
Parses have all been in reclears, I have not joined any parsing parties this tier. I like to play as optimally as possible throughout the whole process, learning the fight through rotation and picking up good habits as a result